Deadly Nightshade and Devil's Claw singing "Thriller by Michael Jackson from Billy Murray on Vimeo.
Here is a great video by Kyle Bostick on "how to" install -
This is a massive Spooky Tree designed for 12mm bullet pixels or mini lights
- Measures approximately 10 feet tall and 8.5 feet wide
- Comes with a backer plate for the body as well as all branches/branch backers -noted 1-5 with corresponding holes
- Branch 4 is 2 pieces with a backer plate for joining
- Model A will need a jumper from the face to the outline
- Works best with 4" spacing pixels
- Ships in a 48x36 inch box and the body is Cut in half and slit down the back to fold for shipping
- Material is 10mm heavy duty black or white coroplast
- 100% Designed & Made in the USA
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