Baldrick Signal

Sale price$35.00


The BaldrickSignals is the easy to use board to monitor your display popularity, using outputting device signals (and a configurable modifier) you can estimate your crowd numbers & see your popular times to plan accordingly.

BaldrickSignals Controller Features

  • Barrel Powerjack accepting 5v - 24v with onboard power management and able to accept individual voltages (to avoid any BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOMS)
  • Small footprint for easy placement inside a project box
  • Turnip Network Integration to allow actions based on crowd sizes (e.g adjusting volume or highlighting donation areas) Coming Soon
  • Simple UI with CSV download and Google docs integration Coming Soon (though it will be logging data in the launch firmware, you just wont be able to access it till the next release due in the few days post launch)

In addition, we've tried to add some simple quality of life improvements such as a QR code which links directly to the manual (easy to read on a mobile in the dark).

Things to note.
1. This will ship with a 4db antenna - it will give a fairly controller range - perhaps 15mtrs radius depending on the housing and the background interference. You may get all the coverage you need with this, but if you want more, or to serve a far wider area, you can order on Amazon anything from 4db through to 18db antennas - just make sure they have an IPEX connector on to clip onto the board.  Clipping the antenna on can be a little scary - it just needs a firm push with the connector squarely onto it. Removing is similarly scary, but you just need to be mindful it is teeny tiny!
2. This board has an RTC (real time clock), this means it can 'keep time' when not connected to a network, should you want to leave it outside to log without having a network cable attached. You will need a CR2032 battery (not supplied) for the RTC to work.

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