These are Candy Canes designed for 12mm bullet pixels or mini lights.
- 2 ft - 50 nodes
- 3 ft x 13.5 inches wide - 150 nodes - 4 rows of 37 - middle rows have 38
- 5 ft x 23 inches wide - 150 nodes
- 7.5 ft x 33 inches wide - 7 rows of 108 +4 = 760 nodes
- 7.5 ft - Unfilled - 265 nodes
- 5 and 7 ft versions come with support backer plates and is cut in half for shipping
- Optional wiring diagram for the 3ft, 5ft, and 7ft - 265 node
- 3ft, 5ft, and 7ft filled use the native model in xLights
- Material is 10mm heavy duty white or black coroplast
- Twinkly Version
- 3ft Prop Mount
- Candy Cane Tips & Tricks
- 100% Designed & Made in the USA